Monday, August 31, 2009

My final week of tx

Okay I've started my final week of treatment and am really looking forward to this being done. New side effects this week are a thick and sticky form of saliva that coats the mouth and tastes awful, weird hiccups, and increased muscle spasms in my neck. These used to happen infrequently and would go away for long periods of time. Unfortunately, now every time I yawn or stretch I get these awful spasms. They feel kind of like a charlie horse but in your throat. I had my last weekly doctors appointment today and asked him if these are normal. The answer is no but it is possible the radiation is irritating nerves that have already been damaged by the tumors. He gave me a prescription for Baclofen and hopefully it will stop the spasms and the hiccups. He thinks these are related. I looked up the drug and it appears to be a strong muscle relaxer and anti-seizure medicine and has a warning about using machinery or needing to be alert. The last drug of this type I was given "Neurontin" gave me short term memory loss. I felt like Dory in "Finding Nemo" I thought I'd have a grasp on something and then turn around and that thought was gone. Thank goodness I've asked for some time off this week. The idea of a five day weekend is really helping me get through this week.

On the work front I have some good news, I've finally managed to hire an assistant! Woo Hoo! This will free up my time to take on more of the recruiting and hopefully lead to that promotion my boss has been hinting at.



  1. So glad to hear that this is your final week of radiation. Will you get a break before you have radiation for your thyroid?
    Just thought about watermelon.....would nice cold watermelon feel good and be easy to eat?

  2. I certainly hope so. Actually I don't have to see the Endo for another 6 weeks so that is a break. I hadn't thought of watermelon. It sounds yummy maybe I'll try it.
