Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Aghhh............worst day.

I had possibly the most embarrassing thing happen when I visited the Speech Pathologist today. Part of the appointment is doing exercises to make sure all my swallowing mechanisms work. She makes me gargle ten times counting to ten, do ten strong swallows, and chug a lug 3 ounces of water. Today while chug a lugging, unfortunately the water didn't want to stay down. I drank it then it all came up again along with the 8 ounces of Ensure I had for lunch. I threw up all over the doctors office! The doctor was very nice about it and since she does this all the time said she's seen worse. All this while cleaning up my mess. I'm probably being silly being embarrassed by this but I can't seem to help myself. I usually don't list names here but Dr. Lisa Bolden at the UCLA Swallowing Clinic gets the prize for the best bedside manner I've ever seen.
Besides the embarrassment factor I think I'm going to have to see the doctor again this week to ask him what to do about this and also the hacking cough I've developed at night because of the thick mucus that just seems to sit in my throat.
Thanks for taking the time to read tonight. I hope I haven't grossed you out too much.

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