Saturday, September 12, 2009

Who knew............

Down twenty pounds and still can't taste anything. The doctor said it could take a couple of months for the taste buds to come back and that my saliva will take even longer and may not come back all the way. Funny thing happened yesterday. It was my bosses birthday so I had to get her cake and I got vanilla ice cream to go along with it. You know that saying that when you lose one sense others get stronger? Well I was eating the ice cream because it goes down okay but I had bought vanilla bean instead of plain vanilla and could actually feel the tiny vanilla beans in my mouth. I'd noticed this before when eating yogurt I could really feel the seeds from the fruit but the vanilla beans were unexpected who knew I'd be able to feel something so tiny. Weird!


  1. good post ..!

  2. Hey Sunshine!

    You know, one of the favorite ice creams in the world is vanilla bean! I've never personally felt a tiny little vanilla bean probably because I'm too busy trying to eat all of them real fast; but it's worth experimenting, yes? Could you taste the vanilla or just the texture of the bean? My daughter went to Cozumel last month and refilled our pantrys with Mexican vanilla. It's so much better than the stuff they sell at the grocery store.

    Well, you haven't mentioned the cancer lately, is it safe to assume they got it all? I'm still here keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. I couldn't face anything, personally, without my Jesus, so I've asked Him to be with you and give you peace.
