Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Lighter fare

I found this picture earlier today with President Obama playing with his niece and thought it was too cute not to pass along.

I heard on the news today that some idiot put a poll on their Facebook account asking whether President Obama should be assasinated or not. I spoke with the site administrator this morning who acknowledged he had been contacted by the Secret Service and while he would not tell me what they discussed he did tell me he has access to the posters personal information. The thing that bothers me here is the total lack of respect. For the record, I hated most of President Bush's policies and I was rather vocal about that however I never wanted him dead. When that Iraqi threw his shoe at him I thought that you just can't get away with that type of behavior. Not because of the man but because regardless of my personal opinion he was still President of the United States. The same thing applies to heckling the President in the middle of a speech.

Here's few more pictures and I ask you, how could you want to hurt this?


  1. You're right; they are special pictures, and I do (in a strange way) feel like he's trying to be a regular family man in a "pissed off about everything dot com" country; and you're also right, he's the POTUS, and that's the most powerful job in the world right now. I didn't vote for him, but I believe in the freedom of this country, and the ability to have your voice heard; but not in a threatening way, never that! I seem to like him, personally, (drives my husband crazy) but I'm not a true Republican anymore ~ somewhere down in the middle between the left & the right. I think the whole country is worried about what he's got planned for us, but he should never feel threated by the crazies for himself or his family. It's just wrong!! (He is also on my prayer list.) See what special people you are? Grouped together in prayer to the Author and Finisher of our faith!

  2. I couldn't agree with you more sis. I have supported him from the get go and will continue to do so. It seems no matter what, there will always be "haters" out there. EVERYONE will never be happy about what a President tries to do. I just wish some of these people inciting "riots" about the healthcare would actually take the time to read the bill. You can access it on the internet and it is really a good read. Most of the things being said about it are not accurate. Oh well, we can just keep hanging in there and supporting change.
