Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Monday, Monday

Well actually it's Tuesday and I didn't get a chance to write this yesterday. Four weeks down and two to go. Yesterdays appointment went fine and I saw the doctor for my weekly visit. Since, it's UCLA the doctor always has medical students with him. The last two appointments It's been fairly clear these are new students still a little wet behind the ears. With my diagnosis sometimes I feel like I've been pulled into an episode of "House". I could hear the group discussing me before they came in the room and the doctor actually told me that they rarely see someone with my condition. This a theme on every doctors visit I have at least initially. My Endocrinologist is also a professor at UCLA and at first he was skeptical of the diagnosis and then after we went over all the images and studies he told me he was going to present me as a case study to his class. It is interesting to see brand new medical students learn but sometimes I feel like I'm being looked at like a specimen.

I was told yesterday that they expect my side effects to get worse and that normally starts about the fourth week and continues until a month or so after I'm done with radiation. This is because I will continue to "cook" for awhile even though the treatments are over. So far they have been mild but my voice has definitely been affected and I'm at whisper level now. The doctor assured me the voice weakness and sore throat are temporary.

On an up note today is the first day of school and Krysta is excited about going back to regular school after our attempt at home schooling last year. I'm excited because this means she will actually leave the house everyday!

That's it for now. For everyone that reads this thank you for taking the time and for Mom, Jeanne, Susan and Lisa, I love you and thank you for your support!


  1. Hi Sunshine: It's me again, checking up on you and keeping you in my prayers! The pain, the sorrow, the waiting, the questions, the hopelessness, the despair....I've been there a time or two. Let's see, I'll share this with you: I had Cancer in May of 1997; that was scary. Then, DVT's with pulmonary embolisms twice in the last 18 months. Not so scary, because now I have a very strong relationship with the Author and Finisher of my faith. He longs to teach me greater compassion, to learn to identify with other people’s suffering and to comfort others with the comfort I have been given. So, you be sure and let me know if it's working, even a little, OK? BTW: I'm a huge fan of "House" and now he's in trouble too. Bummer! His troubles aren't real like yours are; and not near as scary. I hope this is a better week for you. Signing off now......

  2. Keep hanging in there sis. I think about you daily and wish I could be closer to you, miles wise. I have enjoyed getting to know you again. I miss ya and love you!
