Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Short post tonight...........

I'm exhausted and I know I shouldn't feel this tired. I had four appointments today all crammed within a 2 hour time frame. I worked until 2:30pm then I drove to UCLA from Chatsworth. This requires taking the 101 and 405 freeways. It normally takes an hour to drive the twenty miles from my work. Today I made it in 40 minutes. First I had to go see Dr. Geffner about the blood tests he wants to have done before my friday appointment, then I had to see the oncologist for my weekly visit, after that the actual radiation, then the speech pathologist and finally I had to sit and wait in the UCLA lab for my blood to be drawn. After all that fun I got back on the freeway and drove home which took an hour and a half. Four hours on just driving and doctor's appointments and I'm exhausted. They did warn me that fatigue would catch up to me. I think I'm going to try going to bed early tonight and maybe I'll be bright and chipper tomorrow.

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