Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Radiation fun..................

The following day I asked to speak to the doctor and got the resident instead of my staff doctor. He actually was very knowledgeable about my case and shared that he had helped work up my treatment plan. He showed me my "book" that is a history of treatment and interesting images of the tumors themselves. Unfortunately, he could not offer me any insight on what had happened the previous day and thankfully it hasn't happened since. I put my questions out there to the message boards at cancercompass.com and I was told that I may have possibly been burned or it was just a fluke. I'm hoping it was just a fluke.

About three days in I was told I needed to have a Swallowing Clinic, Nutritionist and Social worker consult. Am I the only person out there that thinks social workers are highly annoying? The social worker was the first consult. She was helpful in getting my other appointments set up. I've done so much research on the web about radiation on my specific disorder that I felt like the appointment was mostly a waste of time. I already know what the side effects will likely be and that I should have a support network.....blah blah blah................I know she was just doing her job but she really got on my nerves with her voice kept so low and what she thought must be soothing. I just felt patronized. I know this is probably ungrateful of me and I'm a terrible person for thinking it but hey it really is the way I feel.

The second consult was with the Speech Pathologist who I was impressed by. She gave me exercises to do everyday and I will have weekly appointments with her. The last consult was with the nutritionist. This was unfortunately a nightmare experience. They had requested I be there 15 minutes early for my appointment and I was there right on time like a good patient. Then I waited and waited and waited. About an hour and a half into my wait they brought in another patient and I heard the nurse tell her that the doctor had another patient in front of her and she was running very late but not to worry because they would give her priority! Okay can I just say WTF!!!!!!!! By this time I couldn't wait any longer it was time for my radiation appointment. I got up and went to the front desk and asked for my co-pay back. The front desk person was apologetic but the damage had been done. I understand that doctors occasionally may have emergencies but this was a nutritionist. For the life of me I can't think of a single reason to treat a patient so shabbily. Am I wrong to think a doctor should treat my time as important as their own?

That was the day I lost my taste buds. This is an expected side effect from radiation and takes a long time for this sense to come back. I love to eat and love the taste and texture of foods. I'm a foodie who loves just about everything about food so you can see how this would be a sad day for me.

This brings us to now.............I'm 11 treatments in with 17 left to go. So far the side effects I've had are the loss of my taste buds. Thickening of my saliva (yuck!) and general soreness in my throat and chest areas. I've been told I may lose my saliva altogether and the ability to swallow due to soreness in the throat. I'm hoping for the best and if you are reading this blog I'd like to thank you for putting up with my self absorbed whinyness :)

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