Monday, August 17, 2009

Manic Mondays..............

Today was a "Monday" in just about every sense of the word. I've been interviewing assistants at work and finally found someone we all liked who said she was really looking for part time work. I did the background check and today I was ready to make an offer. She turned me down flat saying she needed a job with benefits. While I can certainly understand needing benefits the job she applied for plainly said it was part time and I made sure she knew what "part-time" meant. I'm back to square one sifting through resumes of folks that think that once you see how fabulous they are that you are going to offer them full time and more money.

I had my appointment at Cedars Sinai today with the Endocrinologist specialist. I had downloaded a map and directions from Mapquest and the directions turned out to be wrong. I got lost and never did find the place, I kept driving around trying to find one of the streets on Mapquest. I should have known better. The last time I drove to that part of Los Angeles I got hopelessly lost as well. I guess I'll have to reschedule and hope they don't think I'm a flake. Next time I'll use Google.

The funny thing was I was able to locate UCLA just fine using the surface streets and went to my radiation appointment early. I hadn't eaten yet and knew I had to force something down. There's a Burger King around the corner from the doctor's office. I ordered a cheeseburger and settled down to take a bite. Now I've shared with you my taste buds are no longer working but there's noting wrong with my sense of smell. I can't even describe the disappointment of biting into a cheeseburger and having the taste not correlate with the smell that is wafting everywhere. :( This is why they suggest a liquid diet of protein shakes because eating regular food is so disappointing that you have to force yourself to eat. There is an upside though, this is a diet I will not be tempted to cheat on.
Radiation went fine as usual and I had my weekly appointment with the Oncologist. I asked him how long it would take for my taste buds to return. He said it could be months and my saliva glands could take longer. I guess I'm going to be on this "diet" for a very long time. Maybe I'll be able to fit into my skinny jeans?


  1. Treasure of Heaven said...
    I started to write to you earlier, and must have "ghosted" out for a minute and lost what I wrote. Trust me, it was good; but enough silliness. I am a Blog follower, and because I am now retired, I spend my days getting farther and farther behind because I find people like you, who are in trouble with their health. You are a rarity ~ and I would never make light or silly out of what you are going through. I am so sorry to read of your troubles, and I would like to keep you in my thoughts and prayers, while I’m snooping to see how you’re doing, if that’s OK with you. You didn’t mention being a person of “faith” or not, and because My Jesus and I are on a first-name basis; He listens and answers most of my crying and whining. I have a story to tell too, but that’s for another day, or maybe a Blog of my own. For now, You hang in there, Sunshine - you're somethin' special. Every sixty seconds you spend upset, or afraid, is a full minute of happiness you'll never get back. So, for today's message: “Life is short, so believe it when I say, Love & Laughter, and Regret should never be in the same sentence together.” Keep your chin up if you can, and know there’s someone out here who cares!

  2. Hi Treasure of Heaven,

    Thank you for your kind words of encouragement. While I am not a religious person, I do appreciate any good wishes that may come my way.

    Thank you for reading,
