Monday, February 8, 2010


I had two follow up appointments last week. One with the ENT Surgeon and the other with my Endocrinologist. It's been four months since my surgery and I am happy to report my voice still sounds great. The doc took a look and told me he does not need to see me for another 6 months. The Endo was as usual not much help. He is very nice but what I have is not his area of expertise. Last year a month after my Thyroid surgery I had what I call a horrible episode. jerking movements in my neck, panic like symptoms, Racing heart, insomnia for weeks, buzzing feelings and feeling like someone flipped a switch and I was on like an electrical appliance and high blood pressure. This has happened sporadically from time to time and I went to see my primary doctor. He ran a test and my thyroid indicators were dangerously low. Actually he said I should have been in a coma as he had had patients with higher levels that were in a coma. Scared me a little so I made an appointment with the Endo and he was really irritated that I had gone to my PCP about this. He said it couldn't be my thyroid but didn't give me any indication on what it could be. He grudgingly ordered the Urine test but it came out just slightly elevated. The last month or so some of my episodic symptoms have come back, this time with really low blood pressure alternating with hbp and pain and tingles in my neck radiating down my spine so I decided to do an "experiment" by myself. I knew my thyroid levels were stable so I stopped taking the medicine for a week, the only symptoms I experienced was shakiness and some blood pressure spikes but no low blood pressure so I think I can rule out the thyroid as being the cause but I would really like to know what is causing it. I brought up the new/sporadic symptoms and the fact the pcp thinks I need an MRI of the spine and the Endo told me it wasn't his area of expertise....... Agh...............I'm not sure how to move doctors? I've been also seeing Dr. Yu for genetic counseling who is a pheo/para expert but the drive to Cedar's is just awful and I wish I could find someone at UCLA that could help. They do have their own resident expert but as my current doctor works in the same department I'm not sure how I would do this without any hurt feelings. Anyone have any ideas?

1 comment:

  1. Heck with hurt feelings, they're doctors! They need to get over themselves and provide some answers for you. Continue advocating for yourself! Shirley G
